God Is Dead

by Sandeep Chatterjee

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God Is Dead.
We did!

We located Him and confined Him to the heavens, excluding Him from the earth. We dared to make images of Him. We gave the Ancient of Days a long grey beard and a human form. We cast His role as lying at the beginning of creation, with odd interventions here and there in history. We only conceded to Him "Acts of God" strange capricious disasters which insurance companies will not cover. We restricted His worship to drafty, old, stone buildings, one day out of seven. We gave Him Who has no form as we know it, a human form, and when a mortal human being reminded us of God's transcendence we elevated that man into a deity.

Our scientists stole His laws, straight plagiarism. The planets had moved in elliptical orbits for millions of years before Newton 'discovered' the Laws of Motion. Lacking a Supreme Being we elevated nature to a position not hers. Then we methodically set out to conquer this power, devastating land, sea, our food, and the very air we breathe.

Already satisfied that we had got rid of God, we revived an assembly of lesser gods that would have confused the Greeks, embarrassed the Romans and are the envy of the Hindus. We are contemptuous of worship and prayer, yet we pass our lives in a thousand empty rituals, adoring and propitiating a multitude of friendly and hostile gods. We spend lives dedicated to eating and drinking. Is this not worship?

We have committed ourselves to spending the greater part of our lives making money, and by that we make money our god, for no ascetic monk in his little cell ever showed more complete devotion. We have restored the old idol of voluptuous sexuality, and its nubile form graces our newspapers, films, our walls and our dreams. It, in its turn, has rewarded us with venereal diseases, their sister AIDS, and social disintegration on an unparalleled scale. We are too proud to bow before God, but we will crawl on our faces to the bank manager, when we run into trouble on our mortgages. We are, in fact, living our lives in order to buy our houses, like Pharaoh who dedicated his reign to building his pyramidical tomb.

With God passed away Heaven and Hell, and in their place we put the fantasy, never-never land of computer graphics and its fully-automated, centrally-heated, double-glazed, fast-food brothel which has unfortunately the terrifying potential to metamorphose into the Gulag Archipelago, genocidal massacres and state tyranny as a way of life.

So God is dead.
We killed Him.

Yet the God we killed does not exist anyway. God one-of-three does not exist. God old man with grey beard does not exist. God remote above the heavens does not exist. God of this or that people does not exist. God who sent His son does not exist. God as Avatars coming to save Humanity from time to time does not exist.

There is no god, but THAT beyond all words, all definitions, all religions, all philosophies, beyond the Gita, beyond the Bible, beyond the Koran, beyond all mortal thought and human conception.

THAT is One.

THAT is not located in any place, for if THAT were, THAT would be limited and so, not divine. THAT has no form, for THAT is the ceaseless originator of all forms. THAT eternally creates the entire cosmos, and THAT sustains every photon, atom, cell, and quasi-stellar object at every instant. Without THAT they do not exist. THAT sustains every living thing, Christian, Jew, Hindu or Atheist. THAT is not the Lord of the Arabs or the Jews, or the Christians, but Lord of the Worlds, of all beings and of all Being.

No thing resembles THAT, no image nor concept, yet THAT is the Hearing, the Seeing. THAT has no son, for THAT's son would have to be a god with limitless power and it is impossible for two omnipotent beings to exist, they would limit each other. Anything limited is not a god.

THAT is terrible might and power, and sublime mercy and compassion. THAT is far exalted above, and yet THAT is useless, for if THAT was to be useful for anything, —a Goal, an aim, a destination— the Goal, the aim, the destination would be higher than THAT and nothing is higher than THAT.

God is dead. THAT IS, The Living Who does not die. THAT is the Vast and no name can be named for THAT...
...even THAT.

© 1997 by Sandeep Chatterjee

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