Lakota sites
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Lakota Language
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Native American
- Powersource
Native American people, places, art, objects.
An excellent site!
- NativeTech
Technologies and how to's for beadwork, pottery,
weaving, leather and clothes, stonework, quills, feathers, and lots more.
- Index
of Native American Resources on the Internet Excellent site!
- Turtle
Island Native Network Articles, news, links.
- Native
American Public Telecommunications A list of television, radio and
news programs.
- Native
American Star Knowledge Prepared by Paula Giese on aboriginal astronomy.
- First
American Forefathers An educational site dedicated to Native American
- Voices
of the Wintercount Site dedicated to share Native American ideas and
- The
Rez Native events, links, news.
- Potawatomi
Recipes To prepare native dishes.
- Evening
Rain Crow Beautiful writings by a beautiful person, Svhiyeyi Aga, a
Tsalagi Cherokee.
- Native
American Flutes and Music The page of Little Leaf, flute player and
story teller from the Confederate Tribes of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation.
- The
Native Book Center Educational and historical books by and about Native
- Duster's
Place Lots of links to Native American pages..
- Russell
Means Home page of one of the most famous American Indians.
- Tribe
Finder Clickable map with links to information on all North American
- A
Little Bit Native Foods, recipes, graphics, language, links, and other
- Councilfire
Intertribal information, forums, news, legends, history, recipes.
- Native
American Internet Resources Links to bibliographies, directories, e-texts,
- Indian
Country Today America's largest Indian newspaper online.
- Eagle-Cloud
Beautiful page with native wisdom, words, sounds, spirit totems.
- Metis
Woman Another option in the event you have trouble proving your Native
American heritage.
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- Conversations
with Durito These are the various conversations between Marcos and Durito,
his friend the beetle. They began with a letter to a little girl in the spring
of 1994 that introduced Durito, and continued a year later with a variety of discussions
ranging from the Mexican Government Offensive to Neo-Liberalism and such local
folklore as the "Cave of Desire". Presented here in English. A must see!
- Chiapas
95 Excellente site in English.
- Mexico
Solidarity Network Another excellent site, also in English.
- Con
el EZLN al DF Official site of the visit to Mexico City, planned for
Feb-Mar 2001. Includes itinerary, recent communiques, documents and references.
It also offers ways to get in contact with the EZLN. In Spanish.
- ¡Ya
Basta! Excellent site that includes all the communiques from Marcos
in several languages.
- 2001:
La Odisea Zapatista Very well-organized site containing news, polls
and communiques. In Spanish.
- Frente
Zapatista de Liberación Nacional News, actions, archives, in
Spanish. Includes a monthly newsletter.
- Plataforma
de Solidaridad con Chiapas de Madrid An organization based in Spain.
- Associazione
Ya Basta Italian site.
- Comitato
Chiapas Torino Another Italian support site.
- Coordinamento
Zapatista per l'Italia Yet another Italian site.
- Viva
Zapata Solidarity commitee in Paris. Includes communiques in French.
- Irish
Mexico Group Irish site.
Tierra y Libertad Japanese site.
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- The
Foundation for Shamanic Studies Resources, courses, workshops.
- Bearwalker
Teachings and techniques for people who are serious about shamanic studies.
- Nierica
- the Sacred Doorway Dedicated to bringing spirit to cyberspace, honoring
indigenous wisdom, and building spiritual community.
- Shamanism
Resource guides to the areas of medical anthropology, shamanism, traditional healing,
indigenous knowledge, ethnobotany, and Borneo.
- Lobo
do Cerrado Excellent shamanism page, in Portuguese.
- Shamanic
Visions The page of Carol Proudfoot-Edgar and Bob Edgar.
- The
World of Shamanism Shamanism in Europe, sacred places, encyclopedia,
- Earth
Shamans Totems, tools, links, books, faqs.
- Shamanic
Dimensions With many excellent articles, database, online courses.
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Other disciplines
- Hindu
Tantrik Home Page Academic site offering a lot of information about
Exercises, secrets, definitions.
- The
Church of Tantra Many articles on the subject.
- Yoga
Postures Step by Step An excellent, beautifully done collection of concise
instructions on different yoga asanas, as well as pranayama and meditation.
- Yoga
Central Online yoga lessons via text or in RealAudio format.
- Yoga
Asanas In this site you can learn asanas (postures) and sequences.
- IndoLink
Good summary of the benefits of yoga and how-to methods.
- Osho
...the science of the inner. Texts, meditations, Multiversity in India.
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Spirituality / Growth
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Health /
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Runes / Astrology
- The
Viking Runes Excellent information on the subject. Here you can also
get a beautiful set of wooden runes in a leather bag at an incredible price.
- Rune
Readings On line and absolutely for free. The answers will amaze you!
- Silver
Charms Beautiful pieces with runic and Native American symbols.
- Liz's
Wonderful World of Astrology Tarot, runes, astrology, biorhythms, links.
- Morgana's
Observatory Multicultural prophecies,
myths, mystical places, herbal remedies, and more. Lots of links.
- The
TwoStar Oracle A forum for the exploration of metaphysics, the New Age
movement and the unknown in human spirituality.

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Other Stuff
- Elexion
Web The best bilingual website design. Also, graphic & editorial
design, photography, and translations. Come visit us!
- BolaMan
Fantastic metal art by Jim Lutz. A must see!
- Riddler
Free online games.
- Yahoo!
Games To play online. Chess, backgammon, reversi and more.
The name says it all.
- Self
Discovery Workshop Check your IQ through a simple and fun test.
- Barnes
& Noble University The famous bookstore offers excellent free online
courses on diverse subjects.
- LearnFree
Self-explanatory name.
- Virtualman
Marcos Lizama's Page. Rock music, UFOs, art, jingles, Tepoztlan. A lot of fun!.
Links to all kinds of dictionaries.
Goodies To learn everything about HTML in a clear, simple and fun way.
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Search Engines
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Graphic Links